since we ran out of sloggi, squash & gaffe;
et expeditionary sissy-team i en morgan,
til picknick hos the massachusetts gorillas,
med deres 2 mandarin-hatte og et par abacus.
dont forget your shades & greetings from the clan.
'not now you idiot. when the field is open for public anyway.
'and save yourself the dyt. you never heard about equal footing?
a muni private/public trainee program,
a muni private/public trainee program,
might appear slightly boxed in by weber -
but if they provide for individual action plans,
without unnecessary shuffle of all the roosters,
a couple of trainees more than actually required,
at every eligible public & private cvr in every muni,
with the federal monthly joggin fee as an incentive,
might just set the entire lot on a real career trajectory.
. . .
for all the do it your-selfs; workshops & short courses,
while they puzzle away in the garage, with their mentor.
. . .
for all the god-awfull oinks & dirty laundry mæshiip;
we have got to edit the interface for thou pre-condition,
similar to the recent french legislation about a public register -
or put the thumb-screws on, like in the recent chinese trade talks.
. . .
if the entire dole 512 k in dk, or 33 m in the us, are thus supported,
it is an annual 23 billion kr, or 178-billion-dollar federal program,
which would bring the entire available labour pool up to shape,
and save us all a heck of a lot of social service & dole-officers.
. . .
maybe kl could let us know, how many in the current dole lines,
are not fully engaged in black market racketeering & hells angels -
så vi kan bruge denne søde agurke-tid, på lidt mere end døgn-fluer?
. . .
trut trut. see you in wyoming baby...
now how are you going to do this in nyc?
. . .
(there will be un-intended takeaway along the canal fron the airport)