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country briefing. when will the fair state of lybia become open to a 1.001 business enterprise?

jacob sejersgaard-jacobsen

Updated: Oct 25, 2024

Within the framework of the current ceasefire, a few amendments to the remarkable draft constitution from 2017, and an agreement to hold national elections for Balyadiyat, Salaydiyat & Majlis Al-Nuawab in one go, where all eligible political fractions are allowed to participate, the Libyan house of representatives, and its united national army, has a chance to get it just right.


If the main fractions in the current stalemate could agree to drop the directly elected executive, and instead let the new Majlis appoint a minister one by one for each cabinet, with due oversight from each the 3 cabinets of auditor general, civil service, and disciplinary action/legislative precedent respectively, such a fair Majlis would be up & running, one mandate/edit at a time.


If this elected Majlis prefer a more public stand-in for the incumbent speaker of the house, they could appoint a promulgative presidential council, a regency crown office for all the tribes, or whatever the name to such appointee, as long as this fair office succumbs to the same oversight as all the other cabinets, with a possible vote of no confidence by the Majlis at any given time.


For a reasonable midterm check & balance of this legislative assembly, members of the civil service - hired to serve the elected representatives & execute the evolving written mandate of each cabinet - shall propose competent & available members for the upper house among themself, of which each Balyadiyat assembly shall appoint 1, and each Salyadiyat another 3 –


whereby each 4-year Majlis will face a 2-year litmus test to their latest edit of Lybias framework.


On a more pragmatic note, after all these tedious procedures have been agreed upon, and for a fair allocation of the central budget/responsibilities, a geographic distinction into villages, municipalities & counties shall prevail, where license to conduct a 1.001 private enterprise is auctioned off, 1 village district, 5 years at a time, within a set tax code/legislative framework.


The technical responsibility of the Balyadiyat shall be rural infrastructure, water, sanitation, electricity, primary school, employment, supervision of sme, destitutes, handicapped & elders, where the Salyadiyat will handle national infrastructure, secondary & tertiary education, healthcare, security & regional defense, for a hands-off approach, except when things go sour.


If a fraction cannot agree to such a public oversight, one elected chair, and one public elicitation at a time, in a regulated marketplace where buyers & sellers set the price of goods & services,


what kind of business do they aspire to run for in the fair State of Lybia anyway?


With kind regards;


not at all posh enough for codfish --

and look who is driving; it’s a giraffe.

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Layout of the recent stalemate according to wikipedia, june 2020 --- now october 2024?


The 2014 elected house of representatives with LNA & mercenary allies, hq in Tobruk,

the 3 or 4 early transitional government bodies recognized by the UN, hq in Tripoli -

and several independent groups, such as Wagner, Tuareq & Mujahadin, in pockets.


source material & further references;


images/2015Constitutional-Comparison_Final_2020-11-17.pdf Interim-Government-Elected-in-Libya-Background-and-Prospects


this author commends the recent agreement between unsmil, the hor in Tobruk & and the hcs in Tripoli, with respect to the governance of lybias central bank, and urge the constituency in the fair state of Denmark, to extend their gracious support for this in country shuttle bus mission.

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